- We wish to thank all our clients, partners, advisors, and well wishers for making 2012-13 a wonderful year. We have added over 25 new hospitals to our growing list, and among the prominent names are Vasan eyecare Bangalore, Muthoot lifeline Kottayam, Metro cardiac centre, Jeevika hospital Bangalore, Shanmugha hospital Salem, Padhar hospital, Padhar etc to name a few, most of which are through strong references from a loyal and transparent client base.
- This financial year kick started the preventive maintenance scheduled for all our SA-HIS product clients in India and we have dedicated a level 2 implementation engineer who would be performing a mix of onsite and remote hospital audit to diagnose the ERP systems and provide in depth report to top management / hospital owners on technology, usage, gap analysis, security and compliance.
- We introduced service level agreements (SLA) and these matrices are analysed and monitored on a monthly basis, reports are available to clients on request.
- Our helpdesk and support system has been further fortified with fail safe dual / high speed internet lines and more seats have been added.
- Our ROI model has been revisited and a few clients have now been provided the value proposition workings, to prove that we demonstrate the value. We now provide dashboards to clients to ascertain the cost savings we promise.
Training and development activities have become a cornerstone of our growth plan. Over a dozen of our senior employees attended external training programmes to enhance their skills to provide higher services levels to our clients.
- We implemented many new modules such as EMR and PACS for hospitals, besides providing integration with laboratory auto analysers and scan machines.
- The next engineering release of SA-HIS ERP 5.0 is undergoing beta testing at a few locations. A whole lot of sub modules have been designed to make lives of managers, hospital owners, chartered accountants, suppliers and auditors easier.
- We have invested in new technologies like Android smartphone, tablets, web access and human engineering to make the next release as close to market needs.
- Internally, we went through far reaching structural changes – from corporate governance to people empowerment, activity based costing and performance management matrices.
- We reiterate our stand to deliver better products and services to serve our domestic markets by complying with the laws of the land and all regulatory norms. We promise complete disclosure in the event of any law enforcement agency calling upon us.
- We are now a CRISIL rated company with a rating of SE 3B. Among the few India centric software product companies to be certified.
- The older releases of 1.x and 2.x are bring retired and all clients are guaranteed a smooth transition to ver 4.x or 5.x. Similarly, we have stopped upgrades and enhancements for version 3.x.
- From a strategic perspective, shared custom development services for 10+ year clients are being phased out year due to technology obsolescence and scalability factors to focus more on product engineering and domain skills.
The post Happy New Financial Year appeared first on SA-HIS.